Sunday, July 08, 2018

And then do it.

"It can't be done." "It would never work." "They won't let you."
As long as this is the answer to someone's idea, then it can't be done.
If your answer is, "This is a good idea. Let's think about how we can do it." then chances are much better.
If I had an employee who led off with "It can't be done." I'd fire his ass.
How many people said that heavier than air flight couldn't be done?
How m any are saying we'll never exceed the speed of light? I never will, even though I have no idea how it could be done. One day, someone will do it.

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Ice is for Skating

I don't think much of ICE either. Particularly the 100-mile secondary border that renders most Americans without the rights we're all guaranteed by the constitution. And the unconstitutional secondary ICE checkpoints on every highway a few dozen miles inside the country. What is it with these would-be dictators in Mordor DC? What is it within them that won't allow Americans to be free individuals, as is our nature?

On Cops

Mike Goodman Your problem in New York, and in most of the country, is that the vast majority of people have, for generations, been taught to hate and fear guns. The local laws forbid the average person owning and carrying the means of self defense. If most, if not all, people could and would take responsibility for their own self defense, MS-13 would be scurrying back to the banana republics that spawned them.

When the shooting starts, good men md women should be running toward it, guns drawn, instead of hiding under desks. But cops have no business busting down doors without a signed warrant, or harassing people in the streets.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Open Letter

Open letter to all elected politicians:

Y'all get the best armed security money can buy. You're surrounded by well-armed, well trained men with full radio communication and all the protective devices, vehicles and support money can buy.

Hiding behind this phalanx, you pontificate that the rest of us don't need the means of self defense. You continuously bleat that individuals in America don't need weapons. You ignore everything else that's wrong with America (most of which was caused by you) while dozens, nay hundreds of disarmed individuals are murdered and maimed by well-armed criminals every year.

The police and other government agents are very enthusiastically causing their share of the mayhem, almost always with impunity. In many ways, they are a criminal gang in their own right, continually ignoring the Bill of Rights, which is the supreme law of the land. You should read it sometime. It will show you in how many ways you yourselves are in violation!

So, in light of all this, I have to ask:


Well, Mr B Hussein Obama, Why Don't You Do the Sacrificing For a While

Open letter to all elected politicians
Y'all get the best armed security money can buy. You're surrounded by well-armed, well trained men with full radio communication and all the protective devices, vehicles and support money can buy.

Hiding behind this phalanx, you pontificate that the rest of us don't need the means of self defense. You continuously bleat that individuals in America don't need weapons. You ignore everything else that's wrong with America (most of which was caused by you) while dozens, nay hundreds of disarmed individuals are murdered and maimed by well-armed criminals every year.

The police and other government agents are very enthusiastically causing their share of the mayhem, almost always with impunity. In many ways, they are a criminal gang in their own right, continually ignoring the Bill of Rights, which is the supreme law of the land. You should read it sometime. It will show you in how many ways you yourselves are in violation!

So, in light of all this, I have to ask:


W.C. Grantham