Well, it wouldn't be fully accurate to call it a war on Christmas. It's a war on technology. It's a war on property rights. It's a war whose main justification is that they know better that your own self what you should be doing and how you ought to act.
Here in El Pueblo de Los Angeles, we're constantly told we ought to conserve energy, water, gasoline, even some foods.
Today, in Australia's CourierMail.com, I read that Dr Glenn Platt joins that lofty group that knows better than the rest of us, how we should live.
Electricity is a commodity, as is potable water, gasoline and food (of all kinds). We find them, we create them and/or we process them to usefulness. Despite the blathering of these so-called "scientists," who've probably devoted more time to the study of the followers of Karl Marx than to the discipline they're addressing, in meaningful terms none of these commodities are finite.
Years ago, there was a comedy duet that called themselves Burns & Schreiber. After the two comedians went their separate ways in 1972, Avery Schreiber appeared on various stages and variety shows, and in tv commercials. In what I believe was his highest-profile tv ad campaign, he was seen eating a well-known brand of corn chips from a bag, at which time he said (I don't remember the precise wording) "Eat all you want. We'll make more!"
That's the key thought, folks. It works for corn chips, and it works equally well with gasoline, electricity, food and potable water. Don't have enough? "We'll make more!"
Well, Antonio Vinaigrette, el alcalde, doesn't want to make more. El Alcalde, who uses more than twenty times the amount of potable water to irrigate his landscaping than does the average homeowner, is seriously invested in the proposition that the rest of us conserve water.
Water is processed to potability by LADWP (Dept of Water & Power), and the same government agency produces, buys and distributes electric power--which we are also admonished ad nauseum to conserve. Well, DWP, make more! All the water and power we each use, pay for. At that point, it belongs to each of us. It's my property.
Property means the ability to hold, use and dispose of at one's own will. To violate the property of another is to violate that individual's life. That's what disgusting individuals like Antonio Vinaigrette and Dr Glenn Platt should be shunned and their nutty ideas ignored.
Commodities should be produced by privately owned firms in competition with each other with the purpose of making a profit. Were that the case with the above-mentioned commodities, as with corn chips, there'd be plenty available--because when the producers realized there wasn't enough they'd make more.
If Dr Platt is worried that the use of coal-fired power plants cause pollution, he should advocate the building of nuclear power plants. Instead, he advocates turning off your Christmas lights. Or using led lights. Dr Platt, that's none of your business. I bought the power, it's mine, and I'll use it the way I want.
Remember: You can't trust any air you can't see!
Warm regards,
Col. Hogan
Stalag California
What an interesting concept, being able to determine for yourself what to do with items you purchase; it will never catch on, too many folks want to nanny you until you die.
The other day, in a sort of a year-end reminisce-fest, I found myself thinking about the amount of freedom we've lost, just in my lifetime. Then, as I think further back into my dad's youth, as he told it to me over the years, it even gets much worse.
When I try to explain some of that to a young person, they kind of nod and agree, but they can neither believe it nor understand it.
I heard a tale a year or so ago about a youngster who went in for his first day at school with a new notebook and box of pencils, etc. The teacher made him and others like him give her the supplies. She then redistributed them around the classroom.
"Some of the poor kids had no pencils," was the excuse.
Had that happened on my first day of school, those many years ago, my dad would've been down there the next morning prepared to knock some heads together.
Every student was expected to come to school with his own supplies, or he'd be sent home to get them, and the Principal would be sending a message home with him.
Indeed TF, and too many folks want to be nannied until they die. They like freedom, but they're too chicken of responsibility, so they will have neither.
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