Driving around at $3.239 a Gallon
Last weekend, Debbie and I attended the 19th Annual Seal Beach Classic Car Show, putting the new (to me) '57 Bel Air on display for the first time. There were, according to the officials, about 450 cars entered. They were parked diagonally along Seal Beach's Main Street and three or four of the intersecting side streets, which were closed to allow pedestrians to walk freely among the cars and have access to the several shops and restaurants.
We had a great time, met a few fellow classic car folks and enjoyed a couple of bands, one of which was an old-timey instrumental surf band. We walked up and down the street several times, admiring the hotrods, stock classics, race cars and muscle cars.
We drove home by way of the scenic Pacific Coast Highway to round out a pleasant, sunny day.
Warm regards,
Col. Hogan
Stalag California
That sounds like a very pleasant day. Do any of the photos show your car? I wouldn't know a '57 Bel Air from a scooter so I have to ask.
There are a couple of photos in my archives.
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