Turning To The Dark Side
The Democrat Party likes to style itself as "the Party of Jefferson." They must mean the Jefferson from the tv show "All in the Family," 'cause they sure don't mean the very libertarian President Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was an advocate of the principles of freedom to which the Constitution's Bill of Rights refer.
One once was guardedly able to point to the First Amendment and say that Democrats were champions of free speech.
Not any more.
In a press release from Matt Blunt, Guber of Missouri, the evil B Hussein Obama is using Missouri law enforcement to threaten, intimidate and prosecute critics of him and his campaign. See another story here.
Seems some (perceptive) individuals are criticizing the Messiah. He doesn't like it.
Heads must roll.
He's recruiting a number of Missouri's leftist minor officials to determine truth as the Obama sees it and, on discovering anything that doesn't please His Eminence, intimidate and/or prosecute blasphemers.
There's a difference between the arrogance of an achiever and the false arrogance of a posturing peacock who's never been involved in either a leadership position or a productive enterprise of any kind and who has been a life-long parasite.
Even as US Senator, his greatest distinction has been campaigning for President throughout his first (and, one hopes, only) term , and voting "present" for most issues on the rare occasions when he deigns to actually appear in his alleged place of work.
There are dozens, if not hundreds of reasons to stop this moocher from achieving a stranglehold over the greatest nation in history, fading though it may be, and all of them are valid. If Obama becomes President of the United States, we'll all be longing for those wonderful, sun-filled days of the Great Depression.
What I truly wonder is, why Missouri? Why not Stalag California? What am I, chopped liver?
Tip of the old, battered fedora to Kent C for the photo.
Here comes the New Boss, same as the Old Boss.
Warm regards,
Col. Hogan
Stalag California