Behold! A True Believer....
Again, my brother, the Texan, has provided welcome fodder for this virtual pamphleteer, in the form of a link to a column in his local newspaper, the Amarillo Globe-News. 'Twas in response to my most recent entry about the algorian religion. The columnist, whose name is Marie Fisher. Her byline refers to her as an accountant.
Ms Fisher bases her comments 'pon information gleaned from such august sources as The Weather Channel and the Discovery Channel. I don't think I'd bet the farm on, for example, the blathering of Dr Heidi Cullen, an agenda-driven climate reporter who is clearly a foot soldier for the algorians, and probably carries their membership card in her "No Animal Products Used To Manufacture This Product" handbag.
Now I didn't, at first regard Michael Crichton an unimpeachable source for information about climate change--even though I'd believe him well ahead of Dr Cullen--but he is a well published novelist with an extensive background in the sciences. But I do trust source material he provides with State of Fear--that because I find that his source material is a good fit with source material from other studies to which I've been referred.
That material also fits well with common sense--not to mention with the nature of the planet as it's been understood through history.
Finding a crisis in natural climate change (and there exists no other) is to ignore everything we know about the ability of this resilient planet to repair and remake itself. For example, where are the millions of gallons of petroleum products spilled by ships, planes and other war machines during World War II? Earth repairs itself. Had no one conducted a massive cleanup effort after the wreck of the Exxon Valdez, that oil would be pretty much gone by now by action of the flora and fauna.
Well, the algorians depend 'pon the Marie Fishers of the world to hear the loudest voices, know nothing of history before their own birth, and find crises and adopt causes offered by charismatic charlatans to fill voids in their own unfulfilled lives. Sorry. I ought not psychologize about individuals about whom I know little, but I've bumped into so many like Ms Fisher.....
Actually, I do occasionally watch the educational tv stations recommended by Ms Fisher but, they're tv stations. They're bought and paid for. They're superficial. All they're good for is to spark one's interest and to offer clues about where to begin.
So, Ms Fisher, the polar ice caps will be around for a long time. Should the world flip over on its other side, the ice caps will simply reform wherever the new poles find themselves. And there won't be a bloody thing we can do about it.
World without end, amen.
Warm regards,
Col. Hogan
Stalag California