Saturday, January 12, 2008

Roswell, Texas

At the request of my friend, L Niel Smith, I'm extending an invitation to read his graphic novel, Roswell, Texas. It's a light-hearted romp through a Texas of a different time.....and a different probability. The story was written by Niel and Rex F May. The graphic novel was inked by Scott Bieser and painted by Jen Zach.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, and will again, starting now.

The trade paperback will be published in June, 2008.

Art is a peek at an aspect of the world as the artist thinks it might be and ought to be.

Warm regards,

Col. Hogan
Stalag California

Addendum: Please allow me to apologize for failing to mention one of the more important actors in the drama of getting Roswell, Texas before us all--in the person of Frank Bieser at Bighead Press. Bighead Press has serialized several very entertaining graphic novels and is continuing to do so. Thanks, Frank.

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